Samstag, 26. März 2016

Bjarne - Day 19 (24.3.) LAST DAY OF SCHOOL

Last day of school 

Today was the last school day. 

After waking up at 7:15am in the morning my exchange student and I ate breakfast. I ate like every morning some cereals, brushed my teeth and packed my bag for the school. We had to leave a little bit earlier, because we had to buy lunch for me. We left at 7:45am and picked up Tony like every school day. After that we drove to a baker and my host mother bought some bread for me, we arrived at school at 8:45am. The school day didn’t start with lessons, but with church services, at the school they call it chapel. It was split up in two church services, that split up half of the Senior School students. 

The first church services started at 8:55 am until 9:15 am and all the Germans had to sit on the stage. It was very interesting to see how they do the church services, it was led by a Reverend. A girl sang a song, another women did a preach and Bruce and an Australian student said the Lord's Prayer. It was really funny to hear it in too different languages at the same time. The second church services was the same like the first. It was a great experience.

The first lesson what we had was chemistry. It was really interesting to saw the differences between the German chemistry class and the Australian class. 

After that Bruce Jason and I had free time for 45 min. We walked through the school and explored the school property.

At 11:37 am the 3rd period began. They had math class and learned something about Quartic polynomials

The last period before the lunch was “active for life”. So they had to walk to each classroom what they had to day and a pedometer counted the steps.

After that, we had lunch for 50 min. I ate my sandwich and drank apple juice. It was really good. We talked too many Australian students and had fun. At the 5th and 6th period we had sport. It was really cool because we had sport outside. We were split up in four groups and played soccer and European handball. After that we played rounders, Its like baseball. The Australian student weren’t so good at soccer and handball, but in baseball. 

The school finished at 15:32 and Michael, Tony and I were pick up by Michael’s mother and we went home too ate lunch. We did not eat much, because in the evening we wanted to go to a birthday party for Luke. 

At 7:00 pm Michael’s dad brought us to the party. It was really awesome and they had a good DJ, nice food and there were so much people. The party ended at 12:00 a clock and I was really tired.

The day was really awesome but also sad. Because it was the last time, I get to see all the Australian students. But some students will visit us next year.

Reverend – Pastor 

Quartic polynomials- quadratische polynomiale

Pedometer- Schrittmesser

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